Restaurants and Cafes

Diner BAZAR harmonically unites attractive interior and functionality, traditions proved by centuries and modern architectural ideas, handwork and innovation materials. Use of many light devices and interior details from different countries makes the atmosphere of the diner cozy and friendly. BAZAR is the best place to make a pause in daily routine and treat oneself with a cup of cappuccino and some sweet dessert. When you go through a shopping center, Bazar is the place you cannot miss. The diner has its own bakery which offers a wide range of fresh pastry and own-made desserts, diverse menu of the most popular dishes of home-style cooking. BAZAR offers more than 150 popular dishes and a dozen of original recipes. You can come here every day and have different lunches. We have a take-away service if you are in a hurry. BAZAR diners are located in the center of Yaroslavl. Choose the most comfortable place: BAZAR on Komsomolskaya Street 5, phone + 7 4852 63 71 11 BAZAR on Svobody Street 19, phone +7 4852 67 10 80 BAZAR in AURA Trading Center, Pobedy Street 41, 3 floor, phone +7 4852 67 44 50 Average bill: 175 rubles
Prices   $$
st. Komsomolskaya, 5 / st. Freedom, 19 / st. Victory, 41 (SEC AURA, 3rd floor)
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