Restaurants and Cafes

A restaurant-museum of Russian cuisine. Why is it called the restaurant-museum? The answer is – the employees of the restaurant restore ancient recipes and add some modern spirit into each one. Every dish has a museum value. The atmosphere is warm and cozy; the place has a genuine Russian stove and offers traditional Russian dishes as the chef of the restaurant sees them. Here you can try dishes cooked in the Russian stove with use of local products, traditional Russian drinks and specialties. Restaurant is located in a picturesque place on the Volga Embankment, on the territory of the Museum complex “Music and time”, so guests can not only seat in the restaurant, but have a sightseeing tour. Average bill: 700-800 rubles
Prices   $$$
+7 (4852) 30-31-32
st. Volzhskaya embankment, 33
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